Monday, October 21, 2013

Is It Yours?

Never get attached to what’s not rightfully yours. If boundaries haven’t been established, NEVER assume that you are the only one. Y’all text all day and all night? That’s cute. He’s calling someone else too. You spend all day with him? He’s probably spending the night with another girl. Until you have that conversation, this is the mentality you need to keep. Never make him the only one if you’re not the only one in his life. Don’t make sacrifices if he’s not making the same for you. Don’t become a side piece that he only has time for when his main girl is busy. Don’t give him your relationship privileges while he’s giving someone else his.  And BEYOND all, stand for your morals. You may like him but you compromise everything you want to be when you give him exactly what he wants. You have to be honest with yourself. Sometimes we hurt ourselves by not realizing all the signs that are in front of us.

We've all been through this at one point and time. You like someone then you start imagining everything that you two could be. You put in all this time and energy into trying to make him fall for you. You get mad when you see him with other girls (but you know not to say anything). You do things out of the ordinary for him. You treat him like he’s already yours. And in the end, it’s you that feels like you lost something. You feel like you lost apart of you that was never really there. You miss someone you never had to begin with. The hurt, pain, and insecurities can all be avoided. You just have to know what’s rightfully yours and what’s not. 


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